Tropical Resort Experience: Sun, Sea, and Shade
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ADAS Tensile Membrane – Fabric Shading for Tropical Hotels and Resorts Architecture
With the global slowdown of covid infections, international borders are gradually reopening, as together with the recovery travel and tourism. Now may be as good of a time for owners of resorts and villas to consider revitalising some hospitality spaces in preparation for the imminent arrival of new visitors.
Nothing is more beautiful nor iconic of the tropical resort experience than tensile membrane structures, spanning across the sunny coastline and providing a relaxing shade for sunseekers and beachgoers. Their flexibility and freedom of form allows for a variety of eye-catching architectural designs, guaranteed to spark the interests of arriving visitors.
Being lightweight and structurally efficient, tensile membrane structures can span over large areas using only little supports, creating a large and open spaces whereby visitors can enjoy a great view of the beach while in comfortable shade. After all, who would want the great of the sun and sea to be spoiled by cumbersome columns and pillars?
Besides providing shade, the large open spaces also encourage passive ventilation, bringing the refreshing cool air through the structures in harmony with the natural sea breeze. Their lightweight construction also minimises the impact on the existing landscape, protecting the delicate local ecosystem.
In the day, they provide a cool shading for the beachgoers. in the evening, the fabric material catches light, creating a unique and calming ambience for a relaxing dinner at the tropical resort.
The tensile membrane structure is also strong and flexible, able to withstands strong topical winds and rainfall. The fabric is protected by a non-stick coating on the exterior that resists onset of stains and dusts, allowing the material to clean itself with natural rainwater. When designed and installed properly, tensile membrane structures can easily last over 30 years with minimal need for maintenance. Sustainable and low impact on the environment, tensile membrane structures are the leading choice for tropical shading solutions, providing comfortable and enjoyable spaces in hotels, resorts, and villas.
While working with tensile materials and structures may prove to be a challenge for many general builders, Multimedia Engineering – ADAS are specialists in the design, fabrication, and construction of tensile membrane. We have over 35 years of experience and have completed over 700 projects around the world, especially in tropical regions like Singapore, Malaysia, Maldives, and even Florida. Working with developers, architects, and general builders, our reliable service has earned the reputation among many clients as the leading solution provider for tensile structure projects.
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